Music Metadata Management

Music Metadata Management

That sounds like a valuable service for independent artists and labels. Here's how I can assist with each aspect you mentioned:

1. ISRC Codes, ISNI Code, Label Code, UPC Codes, Catalog Numbers: I can help you understand the significance of these codes and guide you on how to obtain them. Each code serves a specific purpose, such as identifying individual tracks (ISRC), identifying artists (ISNI), and identifying labels (Label Code). UPC codes and catalog numbers are used to track and manage physical and digital releases. I can provide information on where to apply for these codes and how to use them effectively.

2. Protecting your music: I can guide you step-by-step on how to protect your music properly. This may include copyright registration, understanding licensing options, and using digital rights management (DRM) tools to safeguard your intellectual property. I can explain the different methods available and provide recommendations on best practices for protecting your music.

3. Registering your catalog into online music databases: I can assist you in understanding the various online music databases where you can register your catalog, such as music licensing platforms, performance rights organizations (PROs), and digital distribution services. I can provide guidance on the registration process and explain the benefits of being listed in these databases, such as increased exposure and potential royalty collection.

4. Claiming your artist page on streaming platforms, YouTube, Google: I can help you navigate the process of claiming your artist page on popular streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and others. I can provide step-by-step instructions on how to verify your identity, update your profile, and optimize your presence on these platforms. Additionally, I can guide you on claiming your YouTube channel and optimizing your visibility on Google search engines.

Overall, my aim is to provide you with information, guidance, and step-by-step instructions to help you better manage your music data, protect your work, maximize your royalties, and optimize your presence in digital platforms and search engines.

If you want to work with me, fill out this form Music Metadata Management below and I will reply as soon as possible