L'ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) :
Is a unique and permanent 16-digit identifier assigned to people and organizations involved in the chains of creation, production, management, and distribution of cultural content.
The ISNI is not intended to provide direct access to comprehensive information about a “Public Identity” – instead, it is designed to act as a ‘bridge identifier’ to link systems where comprehensive information is held.
ISNI is an open identifier in that it may be freely shared with any other person or party without restriction. In this way, ISNI provides a ‘bridge’ between any public or proprietary dataset where the ISNI has been incorporated.
Example: J. Cole ISNI: 0000 0001 0810 0039.
NB: If you want to get an ISNI, we can help you to get one within one day and add all your information into the code.
we will also explain to you how to add and delete information.
Read and fill out the form Music Metadata Management and we will reply as soon as possible
You can contact these ISNI Registration Agencies below too
Get an ISNI
If you would like to get an ISNI for yourself or your organization, you need to contact one of the ISNI Registration Agencies that provide this service.
Two Tips – it’s a good idea, first of all, to check whether or not an ISNI has already been registered for you, by searching the ISNI database.
If you have published works already available via library or commercial databases, then your ISNI may have been assigned via data from one of our many source databases.
And second, try to have ready some details of creative works with which you are associated or other information that will help us confirm your public identity.
Currently, the following Registration Agencies offer ISNI assignments to the general public. Click through for details of their ISNI services:
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) – supporting ISNI assignment to those contributing to the creation of Québec cultural content (available in English and in French)
Bibliothèque Nationale de France – providing ISNIs for the scope of the French legal deposit
British Library – providing individual or bulk registration of ISNIs for creatives
Identification Agency, IDA - offering Russian language services
National Assembly Library of Korea - providing ISNI assignments for creative individuals active in Korea
Quansic - focusing on ISNIs for the music industry
Ringgold- specializing in ISNIs for organizations