FL Studio Keyboard Shortcuts

Med Mouha


FL Studio Keyboard Shortcuts

FL Studio Keyboard Shortcuts

All important FL Shortcuts are listed on the board below. 

Download the pdf format: FL Studio Shortcuts

File Menu
Ctrl + OCmd + OOpen file
Ctrl + SCmd + SSave file
Ctrl + NCmd + NSave new version
Ctrl + Shift + SCmd + Shift + SSave as
Ctrl + Shift + MCmd + Shift + MExport MIDI file
Ctrl + Shift + RCmd + Shift + RExport MP3 file
Ctrl + RCmd + RExport WAV file
Ctrl + Shift + HCmd + Shift + HRearrange windows
Ctrl + ZCmd + ZUndo/redo last edit
Ctrl + Alt + ZCmd + Option + ZUndo step-by-step
Window Navigation
F5F5Toggle playlist
F6F6Toggle step sequencer
F7F7Toggle piano roll
F8F8Open plugin picker
F9F9Hide/show mixer
F10F10Hide/show MIDI settings
F11F11Hide/show song information window
F12F12Close all windows
Alt + F8Option + F8Hide/show sample browser
EnterEnterToggle min/max playlist
EscEscClose window
TabTabCycle nested windows
Ctrl + Shift + HCmd + Shift + HArrange windows
Pattern Selector
--Previous pattern
++Next pattern
Ctrl + F4Cmd + F4Next empty pattern
F4F4Next empty pattern with naming dialog
Piano Roll Action
Ctrl + UCmd + UQuick chop
Ctrl + QCmd + QQuick quantize
Ctrl + MCmd + MImport MIDI file
Ctrl + LCmd + LQuick legato
Ctrl + DCmd + DDeselect selection
Ctrl + CCmd + CCopy selection
Ctr l+ Alt + GCmd + Option + GGrid color
Ctrl + Left clickCmd + Left clickSelect
Ctrl + Shift + Left clickCmd + Shift + Left clickAdd to selection
Alt + ROption + ROpen randomize tool
Alt + QOption + QQuantize
Alt + OOption + OOpen LFO tool when in lower event editor area
Alt + MOption + MMute selection
Alt + LOption + LOpen articulate tool
Alt + KOption + KOpen limit tool
Alt + GOption + GUngroup selected notes
Alt + FOption + FFlam
Alt + EOption + ERiff machine
Alt + BOption + BView note helpers
Alt + AOption + AArpeggiator
Alt + Shift + MOption + Shift + MUnmute selection
Right-Alt + Right clickRight Option + Right clickQuantize selected
Shift + QShift + QQuick quantize
Shift + NShift + NTurn off selected chord
Shift + IShift + IInvert selection
Shift + GShift + GGroup selected
Shift + CShift + CSelect by color
Shift + Ctrl + VShift + Cmd + VPaste from MIDI clipboard
Left-Shift + Right clickLeft Shift + Right-clickPan view
Double left click on noteDouble left click on noteOpen note properties
Page up / Page downPage up / Page downZoom in/out
Draw tool + ShiftDraw tool + ShiftExtend note length
Channel Rack and Step Sequencer
Up arrowUp arrowSelect next channel above
Down arrowDown arrowSelect next channel below
Page upPage UpSelect next channel group
Page downPage DownSelect previous channel group
Alt + DelOption + DelDelete selected channels
Alt + Up arrowOption + Up arrowMove selected channels up
Alt + Down arrowOption + Down arrowMove selected channels down
Alt + ZOption + ZZip selected channels
Alt + UOption + UUnzip selected channels
Alt + GOption + GGroup selected channels
Alt + COption + CClone selected channels
Alt + MOption + MToggle mixer track selectors
Ctrl + Alt + RCmd + Option + RForce-restretch all audio clip channels
Ctrl + EnterCmd + EnterFocus playlist
Ctrl + CCmd + CCopy channel steps/score
Shift + Mouse wheelShift + Mouse wheelMove selected channel up/down
Shift + Up arrowShift + Up arrowMove channel selection up
Shift + Down arrowShift + Down arrowMove channel selection down
Shift + Ctrl + Left arrowShift + Cmd + Left arrowShift steps left
Shift + Ctrl + Right arrowShift + Cmd + Right arrowShift steps right
Record, Playback, and Transport
SpaceSpaceStart/stop playback
Ctrl + SpaceCmd + SpaceStart/pause playback
BackspaceBackspaceToggle line/none snap
LLSwitch pattern/song mode
RRSwitch on/off recording (including during playback)
Ctrl + TCmd + TToggle typing keypad to piano keypad
Ctrl + MCmd + MToggle metronome
Ctrl + PCmd + PToggle recording metronome precount
Ctrl + ICmd + IToggle wait for input to start recording
Ctrl + BCmd + BToggle blend notes
Ctrl + ECmd + EToggle step edit mode
Ctrl + HCmd + HStop sound
F2F2Rename selected mixer track
Shift + Mouse wheelShift + Mouse wheelMove selected mixer tracks left/right
Ctrl + Shift + Left clickCmd + Shift + Left-clickSelect multiple mixer tracks
Ctrl + Shift + SCmd + Shift + SSave mixer track state
Ctrl + LCmd + LLink selected channels to selected mixer track
Shift + Ctrl + LShift + Cmd + LLink selected channels beginning from selected mixer track
Alt + Left arrow / Right arrowOption + Left arrow / Right arrowMove selected mixer tracks left/right
Alt + LOption + LSelect the channels linked to the selected mixer track
Alt + WOption + WToggle peak-meter 'wave' view
SSSolo current track
Alt + ROption + RRender armed tracks to WAV
Playlist Action
ZZZoom tool
YYPlayback tool
TTMute tool
SSSlip edit tool
PPDraw tool (pencil)
EESelect tool
DDDelete tool
CCSlice tool
BBPaint tool
Alt + TOption + TAdd time marker
Alt + POption + POpen the picker panel
Alt + MOption + MMute selection
Alt + GOption + GUngroup selection
AltOptionBypass snap (can be combined with other modifiers)

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